ICT in History

ICT permeates all facets of life, providing people with different, easier, and faster ways to connect, network, seek assistance, gain access to information, and learn. Besides its presence everywhere, Information and Communication Technology has an enormous significance

I think that ICT is very significant in our lives now more than ever. We currently rely on it a lot nowadays, and almost everything switched digitally

Here are just how we rely on ICT nowadays

1. Online Learning Platforms

credits: The 2020 STEM Discovery Campaign

It’s incredible how far technology has gone today. Thanks to these online learning tools, which are used to teach students and communicate with staff, an online classroom experience is now possible. Not only students, but different professions benefit from this as well.

2. Accessible News Everywhere

The news is now available on our own devices. Media companies have their own applications, blogs, and pages that can be accessed from our phones by individuals anywhere. This is very beneficial now because we need to be updated with any news that happens. When in need, our telecommunication provider texts and delivers us news as well.

3. Online Shopping

credits: Inc. News

It’s surprising how much things are sold online now. Interaction in the market and trade can be done online now with different platforms that provide customer-seller transaction

4. Communication

credits: The Hungry JPEG

It’s hard not to meet and talk to our friends and loved ones nowadays, but with the help of online messaging platforms, we can still stay connected to other people, and not miss anything.

5. Social Media Movement

Credits: Search Engine Journal

Our class did a social campaign last time, wherein we spread awareness about different social issues and took action for it. social media is now used for different movements and fundraisings. It may be done to help certain people, raise funds, spread awareness, or petitions.

These are just some of the remarkable stuff ICT has done. More than ever, it’s relevant in our lives now. Every day, we count on it, and it helps us with many of our needs.

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